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[机翻] 支具之梦









发表于 2024-9-2 21:43:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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 楼主| 发表于 2024-9-2 21:47:04 | 显示全部楼层
我计划了这么久。⾸先,我花了⼏个⽉时间找到了合适的医⽣。我想要⼀个可以说话的⼥⼈。⼀个残 疾的⼥⼈,我可以向她倾诉。从⼩我就想成为⼀个残疾⼈。我决定我必须向某⼈倾诉,所以我选择了 ⼀个残疾的⼥⼈医⽣,希望她能理解并帮助我。她做到了。她与她的矫形器制造商联系,以成本价为我制作了⼀副⽀架。整个经历都⾮常棒。⾸先,我的两条腿 都被放在⽯膏模型中,以便制作出完美贴合的⽀架。然后,我为加拿⼤拐杖量身定做,这些拐杖也是 定制的。在⽀架和拐杖制作期间,我的医⽣Shiela让我谈论为什么我想成为残疾⼈。我对⾃⼰了解了 很多,也学会了不为此感到内疚。她向我解释说,我想穿⽀架并不伤害任何⼈,我应该享受它。我的 ⽀架准备好后被送到了她的办公室,那天我穿了⼀件短裙,这样穿⽀架会很容易。当我从盒⼦⾥拿出 它们时,我的脸红了,呼吸急促。这是我⼀⽣追求的实现。⽀架是旧式的钢制和⽪⾰的⼩⼉麻痹症⽀ 架。钢制的直⽴部分擦得像镜⼦⼀样亮,⼤腿带和可拆卸的膝盖垫是柔软的棕褐⾊⽪⾰。没有⼩腿 带,但有⽪⾰和钢制的⼩腿带,它们绕在我的⼩腿后⾯。⽀架⼀直延伸到我的臀部底部,⼤腿带⼏乎 延伸到我的胯部。它们附带了四双鞋。我的⽩⾊玛丽简鞋跟有1英⼨⾼,⿊⾊的有2英⼨⾼,⼀双⿊⾊ 三英⼨⾼跟的T型带鞋,还有⼀双交叉训练鞋。我可以很容易地换鞋,因为⽀架有卡钳,可以适应鞋跟的凹槽。第⼀次我站起来,膝盖上的锁定装置 使我的腿僵硬⽽直,我颤抖了。医⽣Shiela坐在轮椅上,没有穿⽀架,穿着裙⼦和中⾼跟鞋,双腿交 叉,看着。我只是站在那⾥。她让我把⼿臂放在拐杖上,四处⾛⾛。我太热了,以⾄于害怕⾃⼰会晕 倒。我脸上的⼤⼤的笑容让Shiela笑了。她把钱包放在膝盖上,然后推到⻔⼝,打开⻔,叫我跟她 ⾛。我跟着她沿着⾛廊⾛出去,进⼊停⻋场。她推到⻋前,然后解锁了乘客⻋⻔。她递给我钥匙,开 始滑到座位上。我打开后⻔放我的拐杖,然后解锁我的膝盖,坐在驾驶座上,⽤⼿把我的腿拉进⻋ ⾥。就在那时,我注意到这辆⻋配备了⼿动控制装置。它们⾮常容易习惯。她让我开⻋带她去她的俱 乐部,当我把腿从⻋⾥拿出来时,可爱的停⻋服务员从后座拿出我的拐杖,让我可以把⼿放在上⾯。当我拄着拐杖⾛进俱乐部时,回头看到他在看我。我并不难看,身⾼5英尺5英⼨,体重122磅,卷曲的棕⾊头发,细腰和34C的胸部,但我知道他在看 我的⽀架腿。我就喜欢当我的⾼跟鞋敲击地⾯时发出的⾦属点击声,他也是。午餐后,Shiela说她想去 她家拿⼀些早上留下的东⻄。她的地⽅是⼀个极好的海滨别墅,有很多隐私。在⾥⾯,我欣赏着海滩 的景⾊,当她说她有⼀个忏悔要做。我告诉她⽆论它是什么,我⽋她这么多,因为她为我做了这么 多,那都不重要。随着这句话,她站了起来。她并不是真的残疾,只是喜欢穿⽀架和假装和我⼀样; 她说她迫不及待地想告诉我,分享她的故事,这和我的故事⾮常相似。从那时起发⽣了很多事情。我搬去和Shiela住在⼀起,我们作为残疾⼈⼀起⽣活。我的意思是⼀直这 样。我不记得我们上次真正⽤腿⾛路是什么时候了。如果我脱下⽀架需要在房⼦的其他地⽅拿东⻄,我要么滑进轮椅,要么拖着我⽆⼒的腿,⽤⼿臂和⼿沿着地板拖动⾃⼰。我们有两辆⻋셊 ⼀辆⽪卡⻋ 和⼀辆吉普叛军,都有⼿动控制。我有⼀份很好的⼯作,是Shiela帮我找到的,她的另⼀个客户,⼀ 个真正不需要他使⽤的电动轮椅的残疾⼈。Shiela喜欢⼀直使⽤她的轮椅,有时穿⽀架,她⾮常擅 ⻓。她的⼤部分鞋⼦都是⼩⽺⽪芭蕾舞⻛格,她的⽀架⽐你可能⻅过的要薄得多。尽管她最喜欢的事 情之⼀是滚进鞋店,让⼀个可爱的年轻鞋店员帮她脱下⽀架,试穿鞋⼦,然后帮她再穿上⽀架。她真的很喜欢那样,所以有时候我会拄着拐杖和她⼀起去,⾃⼰也需要帮助。我更喜欢更⼤胆⼀些。当然,我也有⼏张轮椅,但我更喜欢穿⽀架⾛路。我有好⼏套⽀架,⽤于不同的场合,甚⾄⽤于我不 同的⼼情。有⼀对⾮常轻,⾮常薄的圆形闪亮的直⽴部分,不⽐粗铁丝厚多少,每个⼤腿顶部只有⼀ 根⼩带⼦,没有膝盖垫或⼩腿带。它们只附着在我的鞋跟和⼤腿顶部。膝盖⽤⼩弹簧加载的销⼦锁 定,我喜欢穿我的细⾼跟鞋,那些矫形器 ;他不需要他穿的⽀架,在鞋跟前⾯稍微修改了⼀个圆形通 道,以适应我的⽀架。⽀架如此轻,我可以很容易地交叉双腿。当然,我⽤⼀只⼿把⼀条腿抬过另⼀ 条腿,然后让它⽆⼒地落下。在另⼀个极端是我的严重残疾⽀架。它们有两条⼤腿带,膝盖垫,⼩腿 带,脚踝带和锁定膝盖。鞋⼦是特别的性感T型带。在右边,我穿着看起来有2英⼨⾼的鞋跟,没有平 台。在左边,我穿着4英⼨的锥形鞋跟,有4英⼨的平台。右脚的鞋⼦有⼀个隐藏的2英⼨提升。它真 的看起来我的左腿⽐右腿短得多。左边⽀架的下直⽴部分向内扭曲,使我的左脚向内转。我唯⼀不穿 ⽀架的时候就是当我使⽤轮椅,穿着我⼏乎要踮起脚尖的7英⼨细⾼跟鞋。它们⼏乎不可能让任何⼈⾛ 路。我的腿因为不使⽤⽽萎缩得如此严重,以⾄于它们甚⾄不再⽀撑我的体重了。⼏个⽉前,我试图 不穿⽀架站起来,我的腿就在我下⾯弯曲了。我甚⾄不能不⽤⼿把它们从床上抬起来。每个冬天,Shiela和我都要到⼀个不同的滑雪胜地。我喜欢穿上鲜艳的氨纶滑雪服,上⾯是我的⽀架。然后你可以看到⽀架⼀直到我的屁股。他们有⼀个很棒的残疾⼈滑雪项⽬,每个⼈都⾮常乐于助⼈。我总是得到教练们的很多关注。有⼀个滑雪⼩屋有很好的楼梯,我喜欢⼀天上下⼏次。这仍然让我兴 奋。我们还在冬天去热带地区旅⾏,我喜欢穿短裙和短裤。你应该看到当我穿着丁字裤⽐基尼和轻薄的开 放式罩衫,轻⽀架和凉鞋在酒店⼤堂拄着拐杖时,⼈们转头的样⼦。最有趣的是当我遇到另⼀个残疾 ⼈时。我喜欢开始对话,谈论障碍和态度。我也喜欢和其他残疾⼈谈论他们的⽀架,他们通常会问起 我的,因为它们的⻛格不寻常。当然,我和我们⼤朋友圈⾥的其他残疾⼈发⽣过性关系,但我第⼀次 和⼀个真正的残疾⼈发⽣性关系,那是⾮常特别的。在我⼯作的公司,我们做的其中⼀件事就是将残疾⼥性安置在劳动⼒市场中。当她们来到我们这⾥ 时,她们⼏乎总是试图隐藏她们的残疾。当她们带着⼀份好⼯作离开我们时,所有的⼥性都穿着短裙 和连⾐裙。我们给她们信⼼,帮助她们找到好⼯作。我们⾮常擅⻓我们所做的。Shiela因她对残疾⼈ 的咨询⼯作⽽闻名于世。她与真正的残疾⼈和像我们这样的⼈⼀起⼯作。天啊,我们有很多。我认识 股票经纪⼈셅 银⾏家셅 律师셅 医⽣,以及来⾃⼏乎各⾏各业的男性和⼥性 섶双关语셁,他们使⽤⽀架셅 拐杖셅 轮椅和助⾏器,实际上并不需要它们。我甚⾄认识⼀个在家⾥使⽤真正的铁肺,出⻔时使⽤便 携式胸部外壳呼吸器的⼥⼈。Shiela有很多客户假装失去了⼿臂和⼿的使⽤能⼒,还有很多⼈只是穿 着他们不需要的背部和颈部⽀架。有⼀次,Shiela给我安排了她的⼀位客户。他是⼀个虔诚的⼈,⼀个真正被残疾⼥⼈吸引的男⼈。他去 找她咨询,她告诉他她认识我,她会安排约会。他⾮常紧张。整个晚上,我会让他为我做⼀些⼩事 情,⽐如开⻔,我费⼒地在他⾯前爬上两层楼,我的屁股就在他⾯前。在⻋⾥,我坐在他旁边,这样 他就能感觉到我的⽀架在他的腿上,然后我把他的⼿放在我的膝盖上。在晚餐期间,我交叉双腿,⽤ 脚摩擦他的⼩腿,我认为他会爆炸。但是当我穿着⼀件⼩⼩的连⾐裙,带着我最残疾的⽀架开⻔时,他脸上的表情值得麻烦。他整晚都在天堂。现在我该⾛了。我们要出去吃晚饭,我穿着⼀件⼩⿊鸡尾 酒裙,有意⼤利⾯条带。它⼏乎不遮住我的屁股,展示了我的新⾼度抛光的⽀架,有专利⽪⾰⼤腿 带。平台专利⽪⾰⾼跟鞋让进出汽⻋有点难,但我并不介意。总有很多⼈愿意帮助我。

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 楼主| 发表于 2024-9-2 21:47:59 | 显示全部楼层
I had planned this for so long. First, I spent months finding just the right shrink. I wanted a
woman to talk to. A crippled woman to spill my guts to. Since I was a little girl, I have wanted to
be crippled. I'd decided I had to confide in someone, so I decided on a crippled woman shrink,
hoping she would understand and help me. She did.
She set it up with her orthotist to make a pair of braces for me at cost. The whole experience was
fantastic. First, both of my legs were put in plaster casts to make a negative mold from which the
braces were to be made. This ensures a perfect fit. Then I was measured for Canadian crutches
which are also custom made. While the braces and crutches were being made, Shiela my shrink
got me to talk about why I wanted to be crippled. I learned a lot about myself and learned not to
feel guilty about this. She explained to me that I'm not hurting anyone by wanting to wear braces,
and that I should just enjoy it. My braces were shipped to her office when they were ready, and I
wore a short skirt that day so they would be easy to get on. As I took them out of the box, my
face flushed and I grew short of breath. It was the realization of a lifelong quest. The braces were
the old style steel and leather polio braces. The steel upright polished to a mirror shine, and the
thigh straps and removable knee pads are soft tan leather. There are no calf straps, but there are
leather and steel calf bands which go around the backs of my calves. The braces come up to the
base of my butt, and thigh straps come just short of my crotch. They came with four pairs of
shoes. My white mary janes have one inch heels , the black ones have two inch heels, a pair of
black three inch heels with t straps, and a pair of cross trainers.
I can easily change shoes because the braces have calipers which fit into channels in the heels
of the shoes. The first time I stood up in them and drop locks at the knees trapped my legs in
stiff and straight, I shuddered. Shiela, the shrink, was sitting in her wheelchair without her braces
wearing a skirt and medium high heels with her legs crossed, watching. I just stood there. She
told me to put my arms in the crutches and walk around. I was so hot I was afraid I would faint.
The big smile on my face made Shiela laugh. She put her purse in her lap, then wheeled to the
door, opened it and said to come with her. I followed her down the hall and out into the parking
garage. She wheeled to her car, then unlocked the passenger door. She handed me the keys and
began to slide herself onto the seat. I opened the back door to stow my crutches, then unlocked
my knees and sat in the drivers seat, pulling my legs into the car with my hands. It was then I
noticed the car was equipped with hand controls. They are unbelievably easy to get used to. She
had me drive us to her club, and when I lifted my legs out of the car, the cute parking attendant
got my crutches out of the back seat and held them for me to put my arms on. As I crutched into
the club, I glanced back to see him watching me.
I am not unattractive, 5'5", 122 lbs., curly brunette, thin waist and a 34C chest, but I knew he was
watching my legs in the braces. I just loved the metallic click as my heels struck the ground, and
so did he After lunch, Shiela said she wanted to go to her house to pick up some files she had
left that morning. Her place is a fantastic beach front house with loads of privacy. Inside, I was
admiring the view of the beach, when she said she had a confession to make. I told her whatever
it was, I owed her so much for all she had done for me that it would not matter. With that, she
stood up. She was not really crippled, just liked to wear braces and pretend just like me! She said
she was dying to tell me, and share with me her story, which was very similar to mine.
A lot has happened since then. I moved in with Shiela, and we live together as cripples. I mean all
the time. I can't remember the last time either of us actually used our legs to walk. If I have taken
off my braces and need something somewhere else in the house, I either slide into a wheelchair
or drag my lifeless legs behind me as I pull myself along the floor with my arms and hands. We
have two cars: a pickup, and a Jeep Renegade, all with hand controls. I have a great job Shiela
helped me get with one of her other clients, a crippled guy who really doesn't need the
motorized wheelchair he uses. Shiela likes to use her wheelchair all the time, and sometimes
wear braces and she is so good at it. Most of her shoes are little leather ballet style, and her
braces are much thinner than you have probably ever seen. Although one of her favorite things to
do is wheel into a shoe store and have a cute young shoe clerk help her take off her braces and
try on shoes, then help her put the braces back on.
She really loves that, so sometimes I'll crutch in with her and need help myself. I like to be a little
more daring. Sure, I have a couple of wheelchairs, too, but I prefer ti wear and walk in my braces.
I have several sets of braces for different occasions and even for my different moods. One pair is
extremely light, very thin round shiny uprights not much thicker than heavy wire, with only one
small strap at the top of each thigh, no knee pads or calf straps. They only attach at the heels of
my shoes and the tops of my thighs. The knees lock with tiny spring loaded pins, and I love to
wear my spike heels with them, the ones the orthotist (who doesn't need the braces he wears,
either) modified with a round channel just in front of the heel to fit my braces. The braces are so
light I can easily cross my legs with them on. Of course, I lift one leg over the other with my
hands, then let it drop lifelessly. At the other extreme is my Seriously crippled set of braces. They
have two thigh bands, knee pads, calf straps, ankle straps, and locking knees. The shoes are
special sexy t straps. On the right I wear what looks like a two inch heel with no platform. On the
left I wear a four inch tapered heel with a four inch platform. The right shoe has a hidden two
inch lift. It really looks like my left leg is much shorter than the right. And the lower uprights of
the left brace are twisted to the inside, which makes my left foot turn in. The only time I don't
wear my braces is when I use my wheelchair and wear my seven inch spike heels that almost
make me point my toes in the shoes. They are nearly impossible for anyone to walk in. My legs
have atrophied so much from non use that they don't even support my weight any more. I tried to
stand without my braces a few months ago, and my legs just buckled under me. I can't even lift
them off the bed without using my hands.
Every winter Shiela and I go to a different ski resort. I like to suit up in brightly colored spandex
ski suits with my braces on top of them. Then you can see the braces all the way to my ass. They
have a great para ski program and everyone is very helpful. And I always get lots of attention
from the instructors. There is one ski lodge that has great stairs that I love to go up and down
several times a day. It still excites me to do that.
We also take a trip to the tropics in the winter, where I like to wear short sundresses and shorts.
You should see the heads turn when I crutch through the hotel lobby in my thong bikini and
flimsy open cover up with my light braces and sandals on. The most fun I have is when I
encounter someone else who is crippled. I love starting up a conversation and talking about
barriers and attitudes. I also like talking to other cripples about their braces and they usually ask
about mine since they are of unusual style. Sure I have had sex with other cripples in our large
circle of friends, but the first time I had sex with a real cripple, it was very special.
At the company where I work, one of the things we do is place handicapped women in the job
force. When they come to us, they almost always try to hide their handicap. When they leave us
with a good job, all of the women are wearing short skirts and dresses. We give them confidence
and help them get great jobs. We are very good at what we do. Shiela is internationally known for
her work counseling cripples. She works with real cripples and others like us. And boy are there a
lot of us. I know stockbrokers, bankers, lawyers, doctors, and men and women from just about
every walk of life (pun intended) who use braces, crutches, wheelchairs and walkers who don't
actually need them. I even know one woman who uses an actual iron lung at home and a portable
chest shell respirator when she goes out. Shiela has lots of clients who feign the loss of the use
of their arms and hands, and a very large number who simply wear back and neck braces that
they don't need.
One time Shiela set me up with one of her clients. He is a devotee, a guy who is really turned on
by crippled women. He had been to her for counseling, and she told him she knew me and that
she would set up the date. He was so nervous. All evening I would let him do little things for me
like open doors, and I laboriously climbed two flights of stairs in front of him with my butt right in
his face. In the car I sat next to him so he could feel my brace on his leg, then I put his hand on
my knee. During dinner I crossed my legs and rubbed his calf with my foot and I thought he
would explode. But the look on his face when I opened the door wearing a tiny little dress with
my most crippled braces was worth the trouble. He was in heaven all night. It's time for me to go
now. We're going out to dinner, and I'm wearing a little black cocktail dress with spaghetti straps.
It barely covers my bottom, and shows off my new highly polished braces with patent leather
thigh bands. The platform patent leather heels make it a little hard to get in and out of the car,
but I really don't mind. And there are always lots of people who would love to help me。

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